Monday to Friday | 8.30 am to 4.30 pm |
Saturday | 8.30 am to 1.00 pm |
To create an information base to meet all academic challenges faced by students, faculty and research scholars.
To create physical ambience that facilitates and welcomes learning and research among the users.
To foster a creative atmosphere that encourages excellence, diversity and continued growth that surpasses the benchmark set by the school.
The mission is to strive to provide quality resources, to inspire creativity, intellectual curiosity and to facilitate learning and research within the communities we serve.
BMS school of Architecture as an independent college started its Library with 600 Volumes in 2010. Within a span of 5 years, BMSSA Library has grown with more than 4616 Volumes and also National and International Periodicals. Various services and facilities have been initiated for the benefit of students and faculty members.
The primary objective of the library is to support the educational and research programs of the institute and to provide all the information available in the academic to meet the needs of the students, teachers and research scholars by using advanced technology and to create a welcoming and comfortable physical environment.
Secondly to foster an atmosphere that encourages diversity, excellence and continued growth in finding ways to surpass our own high standards.
Students were encouraged to optimally utilize the Library resources and Management awards cash prize to the Best Library User Award winner every academic year since 2013.
Academic Year | USN | STUDENT NAME |
2014-15 | 1BQ12AT040 | Ms. Prajna Aigal |
2015-16 | 1BQ13AT049 | Ms. Rajalakshmi Karthikeyan |
2016-17 | 1BQ14AT049 1BQ13AT086 |
Mr. Raghavendra P Ms.Sushrutha DT |
2017-18 | 1BQ14AT043 | Ms. Prarthana Sathy |
With the excellent collection of print and electronic resources in the form of books, journals, databases, thesis and technical reports, standards, particularly in the Architecture study.
The following table gives a snapshot of the BMSSA latest library’s collection:
Books | 4616 |
Journals & Magazine | 32 |
Thesis Reports (B. Arch & M. Arch) | 420+ |
E- Books | VTU E- Consortium: http://bmssab.knimbus.com |
E-Journals | |
E-Magazine | |
Videos | |
Databases |
OPEN ACCESS SYSTEM: Library is practicing open access facility. You are free to choose any book.
NEW ARRIVALS LIST: This service is provided through the display of new books in new arrivals rack.
SELECTIVE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION (SDI): SDI is a personal current awareness service providing students, faculty and researchers with the latest publications on a specified research topic. Once a search profile is created and saved, relevant information will be sent to the researcher whenever the selected databases are updated.
CURRENT AWARENESS SERVICE (CAS): Email alerts are available for many of the electronic resources and bibliographic databases.
DIGITAL LIBRARY: A separate Digital library unit has been established and exclusively used for the online access of E-journals and other E-Resources provided by VTU E-consortium.
Digital repository link: (IP based access) and "" (Remote access)
INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP: Books/journal articles that are not available in our library can be procured from Indian Institute of Human Settlement (IIHS) LIBRARIY
REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES: Photocopying/Xerox facility (both color and B&W) is available for the users of the Library with a reasonable charges.
PLAGIARISM CHECKING FACILITY (PLAGCHECK): Anti-plagiarism Software called PlagCheck has been made available to check authenticity of publications and students Thesis reports.
LIBRARY ENQUIRY: Mail to library@bmssa.ac.in for any queries related to Library or Research resources available.
Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-databases, e-books made available BMSSA LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTRE are for academic use only.
These resources can be searched, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed library material. Downloading or printing of a complete book or an entire issue or a volume of one or more journals (called systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited.
Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search and/or systematically download from these resources is also prohibited.
Please be aware that systematic downloading will cause the publisher to block to the entire community of users @ BMSSA LIBRARY from accessing these resources.
BMSSA LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTRE subscribes electronic journals and bibliographic databases, directly and through consortium for use by authorized users. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in electronic resource license agreements with each publisher. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements. Breaches of the license agreement with publishers could result in the suspension of access to the resources for the member institutions. Licenses vary from publisher to publisher; however, the general principles are as follows:
Permitted | Not Permitted |
Note: In case any violation found will lead to serious disciplinary action as per Institution Rule.
University of Pennsylvaniae-books (Free e-Books)
eBooks@Adelaide (Free e-Books)
DOAB (Free e-Books)
Project Gutenberg (Free e-Books)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) https://www.doaj.org/
This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. There are now 5190 journals in the directory. Currently 2150 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 417315 articles are included in the DOAJ service.
Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) http://project.oapen.org/
OAPEN is an initiative in Open Access publishing for humanities and social sciences monographs.It provides a searchable index to peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes published under an Open Access business model, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository.
NISCAIR Online Periodical Repository http://nopr.niscair.res.in
You can access full text articles from research journals published by NISCAIR.
Internet Archive https://archive.org/
It is a non-profit digital library which offers free online access to millions of documents, Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) https://search.scielo.org
It is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Provides free access to scientific journal articles from Brazil, Chile, Cuba, and Spain.
Digital Library and Archives https://scholar.lib.vt.edu
DLA provides access to scholarly electronic serials that are peer-reviewed, full text, and accessible without charge. Their topics range from education, engineering, and literature to technology, philosphy and libraries.
National Digital Library https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
An NMEICT Project (MHRD) to develop National Digital Library of India. Towards Building a National Asset. Hosted to integrate all the existing digitized and digital contents across educational institutions of the nation to provide a single-window access with e-learning facility to different groups of users ranging from primary level to higher education level of our country.
MIT OpenCourseWare https://ocw.mit.edu
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication.
NPTEL Courses https://nptel.ac.in/
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses various streams.
NPTEL is an initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for creating course contents in engineering and science. NPTEL as a project originated from many deliberations between IITs, Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) during the years 1999-2003. A proposal was jointly put forward by five IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur and Madras) and IISc for creating contents for 100 courses as web based supplements and 100 complete video courses, for forty hours of duration per course. Web supplements were expected to cover materials that could be delivered in approximately forty hours. Five engineering branches (Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Electronics and Communication and Mechanical) and core science programmes that all engineering students are required to take in their undergraduate engineering programme in India were chosen initially. Contents for the above courses were based on the model curriculum suggested by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the syllabi of major affiliating Universities in India.
Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian Thesis’s https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers
e- ShodhSindhu: Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources: https://www.inflibnet.ac.in/ess/
ShodhGangotri: Repository of Indian Research in Progress details (Synopses/Research Proposals for PhD programme) https://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in/
Indian Academy of Science http://www.ias.ac.in/
Google Scholar http://scholar.google.co.in/
Cogprints http://cogprints.org/
Microsoft Academic Search http://academic.research.microsoft.com/
Open Access journal Search Engine http://oajse.com/
On-line public access catalogues: The Online Public Access catalog allows for the access of bibliographic databases of the books, Reports, CD-ROMs and journals available in the library. (IP based access) (Remote access)
All the students should abide by the rules of the Library.
Library Membership is compulsory to all students who are admitted to UG / PG Courses.
Students are required to carry their library cards at all times and must produce the same at the request of the Library Staff.
‘Check in’ and ‘checkout’ registers at the entrance must be signed in for entry and exit from the library.
Library will be kept open during ‘Tea Break’ and ‘Lunch Break ‘also as indicated in the class time table.
Extended reading hours will be allocated with prior permission from the director
Readers are requested to converse in low tone / voice.
All the transactions to be done with the library card only
Readers are requested to not to fold the pages of any books while taking for Xerox instead, please use flaps for identification.
Please do not misplace / hide the documents and try to maintain the arrangements in order without any disturbance.
Please do not tear the pages of any books instead, use photocopy facilities.
Mobile phones and other devices likely to cause disturbance shall always be in silent mode.
Photography, filming, videotaping, audio taping are not allowed without the permission of the Library Authority.
Students are responsible for any damage to the resources in the Library and shall be required to replace or pay the value thereof.
Students must keep the Library staff informed at all times of their change in telephone number or email id’s.
Library Books taken out from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the students.
For Students
Issue Books | 2 | 14 Days | Rs.2/- |
Reference Book | 1 | 04 Days | Rs.10/- |
Journals/ Magazines (Back Volumes) | 2 | 14 Days | Rs.2/- |
CD's | 2 | 07 Days | Rs.2/- |
For Faculty
Reference / Issue Books | 4 | 30 Days |
Journals/ Magazines (Back Volumes) | 2 | 10 Days |
CD's | 2 | 10 Days |
Assistant Librarian
Assistant Librarian